Max Scheinin Sings the Blues
The art of the films of the cinema log
"Sentinel" writing
Favorite films
Master Film List
Top Ten Films, 1997-2003
What I've Been Listening To...
Gotta have soul (defunct)
Printed words on bound paper...

You will see no graphics on this page. "Max Scheinin Sings the Blues" is a web site devoted to content. Content and lists. If that's not good enough for ya, swing by Sandy Millopigus's:

For those who don't know, my name is Max Scheinin, I'm 18, and I attend Bard College. My interests, alphabetically, are classical music, film and literature. I've had web sites on and off for 7 or 8 years; this one is the latest resurrection -- we'll see how long it lasts.

Qualifiers: The music pages are defunct. The master film list needs revision. My retrospective capsules for the films I've seen in the last six months tend to be sparse.